Year Winner Institution Title Journal Full author list
2019 Admire Dube University of the Western Cape Functionalisation of PLGA nanoparticles with 1,3-β-glucan enhances the intracellular pharmacokinetics of rifampicin in macrophages
2018 Rahul S Kalhapure University of KwaZulu-Natal Westville campus Enhancing targeted antibiotic therapy via pH responsive solid lipid nanoparticles from an acid cleavable lipid Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine Dhiraj R Sikwal, Sanjeev Rambharose, Chunderika Mocktar, Sanil Singh, Linda Bester, Jung Kwon Oh, Jwala Renukuntla, Thirumala Govender
2017 Thirumala Govender University of KwaZulu-Natal Westville campus Ultra-small lipid-dendrimer hybrid nanoparticles as a promising strategy for antibiotic delivery: In vitro and in silico studies International Journal of Pharmaceutics SJ Sonawane, RS Kalhapure, S Rambharose, C Mocktar, SB Vepuri, M Soliman
2016 Lissinda du Plessis North-West University In vivo efficacy and bioavailability of lumefantrine: Evaluating the application of Pheroid technology Eur. J. Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics K Govender, P Denti, L Wiessner
2015 Admire Dube University of the Western Cape Multimodal nanoparticles that provide immunomodulation and intracellular drug delivery for infectious diseases Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine Jessica Reynolds, Wing-Cheung Law, Charles Maponga, Paras Prasad and Gene Morse
2014 Viness Pillay University of the Witwatersrand A novel stimuli-synchronized alloy-treated matrix for space-defined gastrointestinal delivery of mesalamine in the Large White pig model Journal of Controlled Release Priya Bawa, Yahya Choonara, Lisa du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Valence Ndesendo and Leith Meyer
2013 Viness Pillay University of the Witwatersrand Surface-Engineered Nanoliposomes by Chelating Ligands for Modulating the Neurotoxicity Associated with β-Amyloid Aggregates of Alzheimer’s disease Pharmaceutical Research (2012) 29:3075–3089 Maluta Mufamadi, Yahya Choonara, Pradeep Kumar, Girish Modi, Dinesh Naidoo, Valence Ndesendo, Lisa du Toit and Sunny Iyuke
2012 Yahya Choonara University of the Witwatersrand Polymeric emulsion and crosslink-mediated synthesis of super stable nanoparticles as sustained-release anti-tuberculosis Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 87 (2011) 243-254
2011 Viness Pillay University of the Witwatersrand Investigation of the physicochemical and physicomechanical properties of a novel intravaginal bioadhesive polymeric device in the pig model AAPS PharmSciTech 11(2): 793–808 VMK Ndisendo, YE Choonara, LC du Toit, E Buchmann, LCR Meyer, RA Khan and W Rosin
2009 Alvaro Viljoen School of Pharmacy, Tshwane University of Technology Transport of Asphalathin, a Rooibos Tea Flavanoid, Across the Skin and Intestinal Epithelium Phytotherapy Research Huang M, du Plessis J, du Preez J, Hamman J, Viljoen A
2009 Thiru Govender School of Pharmacy, University of KwaZulu Natal Formulation of monolayered films and polymers of opposing solubilities International Journal of Pharmaceutics Perumel VA, Lutchman D, Mackraj I, Govender T
2008 Viness Pillay University of the Witwatersrand Elucidation of the physicochemical and ab initio quantum energy transitions of a cross linked PLGA scaffold Biomaterials 28 (2007) 3714-3723 Sibongile Sibambo, Yahya Choonara, Riaz Khan and Joe Sweet
2007 Viness Pillay University of the Witwatersrand Formulation and statistical optimization of novel double-incorporated PLAPLGA microparticles within an alginate-pectinate platform for the delivery of nicotine Journal of Microencapsulation, March 2006: 23(2): 153-167 Neha Singh, Fehmeeda Seedat, Joel Sweet and Paul Danckwerts
2006 Thiru Govender School of Pharmacy, University of KwaZulu-Natal Optimisation and characterisation of bioadhesive controlled release tetracycline microspheres International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2005): 306: 24-40 S Govender, V Pillay, DJ Chetty, SY Essack and CM Dangor
2005 No award
2004 Jacobus J Bergh Department of Pharmaceutic s, School of Pharmacy, Potchefstroom University for CHE Structural characterization, physicochemical properties, and thermal stability of three crystal forms of nifedipine Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2003).92(12):25192533 Mino R Caira, Yolande Robberts, Jacobus J Bergh, Mingna Song, Melgardt de Villiers
2003 C Jonker Department of Pharmaceutic s, School of Pharmacy, Potchefstroom University for CHE Intestinal paracellular permeation enhancement with quaternised chitosan: in sity and in vitro evaluation International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2002).238:205-213 C Jonker, JH Hamman, AF Kotze
2002 Johannes P Venter Department of Pharmaceutic s, School of Pharmacy, Potchefstroom University for CHE A comparative study of an in sity adapted diffusion cell and an in vitro Franz diffusion cell method for transdermal absorption of doxylamine European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2001).13:169-177 Johannes P Venter, Douw G Miller, Jeanetta du Plessis and Colleen Goosen
2001 Thiru Govender School of Pharmacy, University of Durban Westville Defining the drug interaction properties of PLA-PEG nanoparticles Pharmaceutical Research (2000) T Govender, T Riley, T Ehtezazi, M Garnett, S Stolnik, L Illum and SS Davis
2000 Dushendra Chetty School of Pharmacy, University of Durban Westville A mechanistic analysis to characterize oramucosal permeation properties Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (2000) 52:75-82 Li-Lan H Chen, Dushendra Chetty, Yie W Chien
1999 Awie Kotze School of Pharmacy, Potchefstroom University for CHE
1998 Mino R Caira University of Cape Town
1997 Mino R Caira University of Cape Town
1996 Mino R Caira University of Cape Town
1995 Jeanetta du Plessis School of Pharmacy, Potchefstroom University for CHE
1994 Mino R Caira University of Cape Town