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Academy Constitution 2021
1.1 Name
The name of the Academy is “The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa,” hereinafter known as the “Academy.”
1.2 Headquarters
Unless and until otherwise decided at an Annual or Special General Meeting the administrative offices of the Academy shall be the same as those of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa, hereinafter known as the “Society” or the “PSSA.”
1.3 Vision, Mission and Aims
The South African Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established to serve its members, to entrench the importance of the pharmaceutical profession and, in the public interest, to foster expertise in the pharmaceutical sciences by:
- providing a forum for free interchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge and skills by means of meetings, congresses, discussion groups and publications;
- encouraging high standards of research and education in the pharmaceutical sciences;
- encouraging contributions of excellence in the pharmaceutical sciences by providing suitable recognition and award programmes;
- encouraging active participation in proceedings and activities of the scientific and pharmaceutical communities on national and international levels; and
- initiating and executing any further activities deemed expedient to realise this mission.
1.4 Definitions
In this Constitution and in the Regulations framed in terms thereof, the following terms and expressions shall, unless the context otherwise directs, have the respective meanings as hereinafter set out:
“the Society” – the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa
“Executive Committee” – the Executive Committee of the Academy as constituted in Article 3.2
“General Council” – the General Council of the Society
“Ordinary Member” – a member as defined in Article 2.1
“regulation” – a regulation referred to in this Constitution amended from time to time
“Journal” – The South African Pharmaceutical Journal
The singular shall include the plural and vice versa. The masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and vice versa.
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays shall not be taken into account when computing a time period prescribed in days in this Constitution and Regulations.
2.1 Ordinary Members
2.1.1 All members of the PSSA who indicate Education and Pharmaceutical Sciences as their primary sector shall automatically be members of the Academy.
2.1.2 Any person not registered with the South African Pharmacy Council who, through education or experience in education, research and development, production, control or marketing of medicines, interest, participation in, or contribution to the pharmaceutical sciences or technology, is eligible for membership of the Academy, in accordance with the Constitution of the PSSA.
2.1.3 Prospective members shall apply on the prescribed form and the application shall be accompanied by the appropriate subscription fee.
2.2 Honorary Members
2.2.1 Any person whom the Academy may particularly wish to honour for exceptional services rendered to the Academy or in the field of the pharmaceutical sciences may be elected an Honorary Member of the Academy.
2.2.2 Honorary members may only be proposed by members of the Executive Committee of the Academy and, after approval by the Executive, election shall be by majority vote upon proposal put on behalf of the Executive at an Annual General Meeting.
2.2.3 The rights and privileges of Honorary Members who are not also members of the PSSA shall be limited to those which may be enjoyed as a member of the Academy only.
2.3 Affiliate Members
2.3.1 Any member of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa may, without transferring his membership in the Society from its present location in other sector of the Society, apply for affiliate membership of the Academy.
2.3.2 The rights and privileges of affiliate members within the Academy shall be the same as those of ordinary members of the Academy except that affiliate members shall not have the right to vote on any matter put to Academy meetings, and shall not be counted in terms of Clause 21.5.2 or elected as councillors of the Academy to General Council in terms of Clause 21.6 of the PSSA Constitution.
2.3.1 An affiliate member shall be liable for payment of an appropriate subscription to the Academy as determined from time to time by the Academy in consultation with the Society.
2.4 Student Members
2.4.1 Any person who is a postgraduate pharmacy student at any accredited educational institution in the Republic who is involved in study/research/course work in fields pertaining to the pharmaceutical sciences is eligible for student membership of the Academy; provided that persons who are registered as post-graduate students and are on the full-time salaried staff establishment of a tertiary educational institution or are in fulltime paid employment are not eligible for student membership.
2.4.2 The rights and privileges of student members within the Academy shall be the same as those of ordinary members of the Academy except that student members shall not be eligible for election as members of the Executive Committee.
2.4.3 The stipulations of Articles 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 of the Constitution of the Academy shall also apply to student members with the understanding that a student’s membership subscription, determined from time to time by the Academy, would be payable.
2.5 Roll of Members
The name and address of every member shall be recorded and this shall constitute the “Roll of Members.”
2.6 Membership Certificates
Upon approval of his application every member shall receive a Certificate or Record of Membership and in so doing shall sign an unqualified undertaking:
- to return such Certificate or Record of Membership upon ceasing to be a member for endorsement of “cancelled” and, if desired, itcan be returned to the former member;
- to abide by the Constitution and Regulations of the Academy andof the Society.
2.7 Processing of Membership Applications
The procedures to be followed in the processing of applications shall conform in all essential aspects to those laid down in the Society’s Regulations under Section 1 thereof; provided that if desired these procedures may be changed in respect of Academy applications in which case the new procedures will be set out in Regulations under the Academy Constitution.
3.1 Subject to this Constitution and in accordance with the Regulations the affairs of the Academy shall be managed by an Executive Committee.
3.2 Composition of the Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall comprise seven elected members and one appointed member together with the immediate past Chairman of the Academy and the Executive Director of the PSSA or his nominee as ex officio members with full speaking and voting rights.
3.3 Election of the Executive Committee
3.3.1 Executive Committee members shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting from a list of eligible candidates (duly nominated and seconded) by secret ballot of the members of the Academy present and entitled to vote. Members of the Academy entitled to vote and not present at an Annual General Meeting can appoint a member who will be present at that meeting to vote on his behalf, provided that the appropriate proxy formhas been completed and handed to the official overseeing the election. The candidates for whom the greater number of votes have been recorded, will be declared to have been duly elected to the Executive Committee. One ordinary member will be appointed by the elected Executive Committee, which appointee should promote representivity, where consideration is given to the demographics of the Academy membership and development of promising members.
3.3.2 At its first meeting following election, the Executive Committee shall elect from among its members the following office-bearers:
- A Chairman
- A Vice-Chairman
- An Honorary Secretary
- An Honorary Treasurer
3.3.3 Portfolios will be allocated to all members of the Executive Committee.
3.3.4 Elected members of the Executive Committee shall remain in office for two years whereafter all serving Executive Committee members are eligible for re-election.
3.4 Casual Vacancies
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any eligible person to fill a casual vacancy on the Executive Committee. Such coopted member shall remain in office until the next election.
3.5 Meeting of the Executive
The Executive shall meet at least twice but preferably four times during each year. One meeting shall be held immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting.
4.1 Annual General Meetings
4.1.1 The Executive shall convene and there shall be held no later than 31 October in any calendar year an Annual General Meeting of the members of the Academy.
4.1.2 The business of an Annual General Meeting of the Academy shall be:
- to confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any Special Meeting which may have been held during the year under review;
- to receive the report of the Chairman on behalf of the Executive Committee covering the activities of the Academy during their period in office;
- to receive the report of the Honorary Treasurer of the Academy and the Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenditure;
- to consider, firstly, any motions to amend the Constitution and/or Regulations and thereafter any other proper motions submitted in accordance with provisions made in the Regulations;
- to elect an Executive Committee in accordance with the provisions under Article 3.3.1 of this Constitution;
- to deal with any other competent business laid before it by the Executive Committee;
- to determine the venue of the next Annual General Meeting.
4.1.3 The Executive Committee may include in, or concurrently with, the proceedings of any Annual General Meeting any additional programme (congress, symposia or other) which will serve to promote the objectives of the Academy.
4.2 Special General Meetings
The Chairman or Executive Committee may at any time convene a special meeting of the Academy and shall call a special meeting of the Academy if petitioned to do so by not less than one-third of the ordinary members of the Academy.
5.1 The Annual General Meeting may, in addition to any membership subscription due and payable by its members as a
Society subscription, impose a subscription and/or levy upon its members the proceeds which shall be available solely to the Academy for the purpose of carrying out its objectives.
5.2 The financial year of the Academy shall be the same as that of the Society.
5.3 Members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to reimbursement of their reasonable expenses in respect of:
- attendance at meetings of the Executive Committee, the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting;
- the execution of responsibilities delegated to them by the Executive Committee; Claims for re-imbursement of such expenses shall be made on the prescribed claims form as approved by the Executive Committee.
5.4 The Executive Committee is empowered to authorise payment, in whole or in part, of expenses incurred by:
- any person directly invited to present a paper, poster or other contribution at a Congress, Symposium or other programme organised by the Academy;
- any office-bearer by way of a float to cover normal operating costs in respect of such items as postages;
- the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are empowered to authorise the payment of all normal running expenses which may be incurred by the Academy.
6.1 Both members of the Academy actually present and the proxies that have been duly lodged in accordance with the Regulations and entitled to vote in the Academy shall be counted as part of a quorum.
6.2 The quorum for transaction of business at meetings of the Academy shall be as follows:
- a) Annual General and Special Meetings — a minimum of twenty (20) members.
- b) Executive Committee — a minimum of five (5) members.
7.1 Fourteen (14) days notice of meeting shall be required to be given for a Special General Meeting or meeting of the Executive Committee.
7.2 Thirty (30) days notice shall be required to be given of an Annual General Meeting.
Consistent with this Constitution, the Executive is empowered to frame, amend or rescind regulations and by resolution adopted at an Annual or Special General Meeting shall frame, amend or rescind regulations whereby the good management of the Academy may be facilitated and the objectives of the Academy achieved.
It shall be competent for the Executive of the Academy to make provision in the Regulations for the termination of membership of the Academy, subject to concurrence of the National Executive of the PSSA.
10.1 The Academy shall only be dissolved after a referendum taken of all its members discloses a majority of not less than two-thirds in favour of such dissolution.
10.2 Such referendum shall clearly state the specific reasons for such dissolution and any proposals regarding the disposal of the Academy’s assets.
10.3 Proposals for the disposal of its assets may only be in favour of a similar organisation.
10.4 Following the referendum the Executive shall give three (3) month’s notice of an Annual or Special General Meeting at which the resolution to dissolve the Academy is to be debated and such resolution shall be declared carried and duly given effect to only if supported by a vote of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.
10.5 Subject to subsections (3) and (4) of the Income Tax Act (Act 58 of 1962), the Commissioner must approve an entity for the purposes of section 10(1)(d)(iii) or (iv) if –
a) that entity has submitted to the Commissioner a copy of the constitution or written instrument under which it has been established;
b) the constitution or written instrument contemplated in paragraph (a) provides that –
- I. the entity must have a committee, board of management or similar governing body consisting of at least three persons, who are not connected persons in relation to each other, to accept the fiduciary responsibility of that entity;
- II. no single person may directly or indirectly control the decisionmaking powers relating to that entity;
- III. the entity may not directly or indirectly distribute any of its funds or assets to any person other than in the course of furthering its objectives;
- IV. the entity is required to utilise substantially the whole of its funds for the sole or principal object for which it has been established;
- V. no member may directly or indirectly have any personal or private interest in that entity;
- VI. substantially the whole of the activities of the entity must be directed to the furtherance of its sole or principal object and not for the specific benefit of an individual member or minority group;
- VII. the entity may not have a share or other interest in any business, profession or occupation which is carried on by its members;
- VIII. the entity must not pay to any employee, office bearer, member or other person any remuneration, as defined in the Fourth Schedule, which is excessive, having regard to what is generally considered reasonable in the sector and in relation to the service rendered;
- IX. substantially the whole of the entity’s funding must be derived from its annual or other long-term members or from an appropriation by the government of the Republic in the national, provincial or local sphere;
- X. the entity must as part of its dissolution transfer its assets to –
- aa) another entity approved by the Commissioner in terms of this section;
- bb) a public benefit organisation approved in terms of section 30;
- cc) an institution, board or body which is exempt from tax under section 10(1)(cA)(i); or
- dd) the government of the Republic in the national, provincial or local sphere;
- XI. the persons contemplated in paragraph (b)(i) will submit any amendment of the constitution or written instrument of the entity to the Commissioner within 30 days of its amendment;
- XII. the entity will comply with such reporting requirements as may be determined by the Commissioner from time to time; and
- XIII. the entity is not knowingly and will not knowingly become a party to, and does not knowingly and will not knowingly permit itself to be used as part of, an impermissible avoidance arrangement contemplated in Part IIA of Chapter III, or a transaction, operation or scheme contemplated in section 103(5).
11.1 Every ordinary member of the Academy is entitled to vote on any matter at any meeting of the Academy.
11.2 The Chairman of any meeting of the Academy shall not vote except in the event of an equality of votes when he shall have a casting vote.
11.3 Any resolution involving alteration, amendment or addition to the Constitution shall, in order to be carried, require the support vote of two-thirds of both the members present and the proxies that have been duly lodged in accordance with the Regulations and entitled to vote.
11.4 Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot division is requested by any member entitled to vote.
12.1 Apart from rights he enjoys as an ordinary member of the Academy, every member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges pertaining to ordinary members of the PSSA as provided for in the PSSA Constitution. These include the right to participate in any meeting of any Branch of the PSSA and to receive the Journal at the whole or part
expense of the Society.
12.2 No member of the Academy may exercise a dual vote in the General Council of the PSSA by virtue of the membership he may have in any other body directly affiliated to the PSSA.
13.1 Unless and until otherwise decided at an Annual or Special General Meeting the mouthpiece of the Academy shall be The S A Pharmaceutical Journal.
This Constitution may be translated into any official language, but in the event of any inconsistency, conflict or dispute, the English version shall be used for the purpose of interpretation. The official copy of this Constitution shall be held for safekeeping at the Head Office of the Society.
The Academy and its member shall be represented in the General Council of the PSSA. The Executive Committee of the Academy shall appoint members to represent the Academy in the General Council of the Society.
The Executive shall, at its next ensuing meeting, elect any member of the Academy to fill any vacancy which may for any reason occur. Such member shall serve in the position to which he is elected for the remaining period of the term of office of the current Executive.
It shall be competent for the Executive Committee to appoint at its discretion any standing of “ad hoc” committees which it may deem necessary or desirable in promoting the aims and objectives of the Academy and to determine the powers and terms of reference of such committees.
4.1 The annual subscriptions of ordinary members of the Academy shall, unless otherwise decided at an Annual or Special General Meeting, be the same as that from time to time applicable to ordinary members of the PSSA, provided that the member is a pharmacist.
4.2 The annual subscription of ordinary members who are not pharmacists shall be 50% of the fee applicable to ordinary members of the PSSA.
4.3 The annual subscriptions (if any) payable by honorary members of the Academy who are not also members of the Society, shall be as from time to time decided by the Executive of the Academy. Honorary members who are also members of the Society shall be liable for the appropriate PSSA subscription.
4.4 All subscriptions shall be payable to the PSSA and collected and retained by the PSSA.
4.5 It shall be competent for the Executive, at its discretion, to fix the amount and require payment of an admission fee or re-admission fee by applicants at the time of application.
4.6 Members failing to pay annual subscription within three months of due date shall be given notice in writing of their erasure from the Roll of members unless payment is received within 21 days of posting such notice.
Members are required to give notice in writing of their resignation as members of the Academy.
6.1 All proposals for amendments, change, or addition, to the Constitution and Regulations of the Academy shall require to be submitted to the Executive of the PSSA for confirmation prior to implementation.
6.2 Thirty (30) days notice to all members of the Academy shall be given of a meeting at which a motion involving any change in the Constitution of the Academy is to be proposed.
7.1 Due notice of meeting shall be deemed to have been given provided that such notice is posted to the members on a date less than the specified required period prior to that meeting.
7.2 Such notice shall specify in the form of an agenda the business to be transacted at the intended meeting.
7.3 No business other than that specified on the notice may be transacted at the meeting. Provided, however, that the meeting agrees thereto by vote of a twothirds majority of those present and entitled to vote, any further business may be transacted other than matters involving a change in the Constitution.
7.4 Notice of any meeting may be given through the medium of the PSSA Pharmaceutical Journal or any other publication recognized by the Academy and all members, provided that such publications are posted to members on a date not less than that specified required period prior to that meeting.
Any member of the Executive or of any Committee of the Academy who, without informing the Chairman, absents himself from two consecutive meetings shall “ipso facto” be regarded as no longer a member of the Committee and the Committee may, and in the case of the Executive, shall appoint another to fill his place.
9.1 The Chairman
- to preside at Annual and Special General Meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee;
- to sign the minutes of such meetings after adoption;
- to represent the Academy on all public occasions and on behalf of the Academy or its Executive make any public announcement which may be deemed desirable;
- generally to initiate and/or direct the activities of the Academy in accordance with the decisions of the Executive.
- To represent the Academy as a deputy President of the PSSA. If the Chairman is not a pharmacist, the Vice-Chairman will serve as deputy President of the PSSA.
9.2 The Vice-Chairman
- to deputize or act for the Chairman in the performance of any duties then the Chairman is absent or unable to act;
- to perform such duties as the Chairman may delegate to him.
9.3 The Honorary Secretary
- to attend to the correspondence of the Academy and to keep an accurate record of all meetings;
- to have in safekeeping the written records of the Academy and maintain an accurate and up to date record of its membership.
9.4 The Honorary Treasurer
- to maintain a proper record of the financial transactions of the Academy and of the subscriptions by its members.
9.5 The Congress and Publications Secretaries
- shall be as determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.
9.6 Handbook of Guidelines
- The Executive Committee shall cause to be prepared and from time to time updated a comprehensive handbook for the guidance of those of its office-bearers who shall be concerned primarily with the routine organization of annual congresses and ongoing liaison with the Journal. (Refer accompanying Annexure for decisions of the Executive which will affect the initial preparation of such Handbook).
Unless inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution and Regulations of the Academy, the Standing Orders and Rules of Debate of the PSSA shall in all instances apply.
This prize can be awarded to the member who delivers the most outstanding paper in a designated Young Scientist’s session. It should be the member’s first podium presentation at a conference and the presentation should be based on the first post-graduate degree. Participants must submit a brief curriculum vitae and an abstract.
This prize can be awarded to the author(s) of the most outstanding scientific article each year in each of the categories Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology and Pharmacy Practice. The research must be published in an acknowledged scientific pharmaceutical journal in the calendar year preceding the year in which the award is made. The participant must be a major author of the publication and must categorize the paper. Only one paper in allowed per participant in each of the four categories. Participants must submit three reprints of the paper at least to months before the Annual General Meeting.
This prize can be awarded to the pharmacy teacher who submits the most outstanding teaching portfolio.
The Executive Committee can decide on additional awards and prizes at any time.
The Executive Committee of the Academy can enlist the assistance of any person as a judge but shall remain the final judges for all prizes and awards mentioned above. Should the Executive Committee decide that the required standards have not been met, a decision not to award a particular prize in any year can be made.
The Executive Committee shall arrange for the preparation of suitable certificates and/or commemorative medallions and the form a at thereof to be awarded to prize winners in conjunction with their prizes. All prizes and awards will be presented at the end of the Congress.
Any sponsored award will carry the name of a sponsor in conjunction with the name of the Academy.
Any prize or award can only be made to members of the Academy.
The following points, among others, were raised in decisions of Academy meetings over the years in connection with the above matters and should be borne in mind in the preparation of the proposed Handbook.
- Only original papers to be accepted in order to qualify for subsidy.
- Guidelines for presenters with regard to:
- Length
- Abstracts
- CV’s etc.
- Guidelines for judges with regard to:
- differing competition levels of experience
- no requirement necessarily to award prizes in all sections
- Use of trade names not allowed in paper and poster preparations but permitted in publications
- Arrangements for subsequent publication of presentations
Step by step procedures to be followed by Congress Secretary and Executive with regard to, among others;
- the venue – its suitability and facilities;
- the calling for presentations of papers and posters and specifications for same;
- the finalization of acceptance;
- the allocation of time for visiting local pharmaceutical plants or training institutions;
- the seeking of sponsorships and permitted forms of acknowledgement of same;
- sponsorship of individual speakers not acceptable;
- sponsors of “gifts” to delegates may not use compliment cards bearing the name of the sponsor;
- invitations to special speakers and their sponsorship;
- sponsorship of the banquet is permitted if it meets with the Academy policy of advertising.
3. LIAISON : SA PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL With specific reference to:
- publicity for the AGM and other activities of the Academy;
- publishing of congress papers
- possibilities for a scientific edition;
- possible allocation of one scientific article per issue.
- Canvassing of scientific articles for the Journal;
- Judging of congress papers for publication by the Scientific Committee of the Journal.
- by means of a loose sheet in the program;
- appears in the financial report;
- on an information board at the Congress.