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Spier Wine Estate in Stellenbosch R310 Baden Powell Drive, Stellenbosch, 7603, StellenboschAPSSA AGM To all members of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa, you are hereby notified that the 39th Annual General Meeting of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences will take place at the Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, on Monday, 8 October at 17:30. Academy conference The Conference will be
CoBNeST Conference 2018 (Incorporating APSSA)
Spier Wine Estate in Stellenbosch R310 Baden Powell Drive, Stellenbosch, 7603, StellenboschThe Conference will be held at Spier Wine Estate in Stellenbosch from 7 – 10 October 2018. This conference is the first Conference of Biomedical and Natural Sciences and Therapeutics (CoBNeST). The conference, titled “Interdisciplinary Scientific Excellence”, will serve as a platform for a number of independent learned societies with shared interests in basic, translational